I am a combustion researcher with 15 years of experience in engine experiments, fundamental spray experiments, and computational fluid dynamics related to internal combustion engines and future transportation fuels. Recently, I shifted gears towards data science and the application of AI/ML to advance science.
CAP: 4.33/5.0
Aggregate: 89.48%
Converge, KIVA-4, Ansys Fluent, ChemKin, OpenFOAM
ICEM CFD, Gambit, KIVA--4 pre-processor (k3prep), Gmsh
ParaView, VisIt, EnSight, General Mesh Viewer (GMV), Tecplot
Python, R, Fortran, C, C++
Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, MATLAB, Scilab
AutoCAD, Solidworks, Pro/ENGINEER
TeX (LaTeX, BibTeX, LyX, Beamer), Microsoft office, Libreoffice
Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Visio, Matplotlib, OriginPro, Gnuplot, EndNote, Mendeley, Jabref
Microsoft Windows, Linux (Debian based), Mac OS
Multi-cylinder and single-cylinder powertrain calibration and development activities, Use of ultra-high speed camera (Photron SA5, SA4), GC–MS (Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometer) to analyze composition of different bio-fuels, AVL engine control systems (AVL Indicom, AVL Concerto).
I have created an unofficial NUS thesis template for Doctor of Philosophy degree to facilitate those who want to write their thesis in the LaTex environment. I used this template while writing my Ph.D. thesis in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS). The template format was created based on NUS Guidelines on Format of Research Thesis submitted for Examination. However, it is quite easy to change it for different guidelines at the user's will. The template is available for download in plain LaTex format. The best way to start using it is to download the template, unzip, and modify it to your requirements. The Final.pdf file is an example of how the thesis looks like by using this template. To download the thesis template, please click here.
A new coupled bio-diesel surrogate and primary reference fuel (PRF) oxidation skeletal mechanism has been developed. The bio-diesel surrogate sub-mechanism consists of oxidation sub-mechanisms of Methyl Decanoate (MD), Methyl 9-Decenoate (MD9D), and n-Heptane fuel components. The MD and MD9D are chosen to represent the saturated and unsaturated methyl esters respectively in bio-diesel fuels. Then, a reduced iso-octane oxidation sub-mechanism is added to the bio-diesel surrogate sub mechanism. Then, all the sub-mechanisms are integrated into a reduced C2–C3 mechanism, detailed H2/CO/C1 mechanism, and reduced NOx mechanism based on decoupling methodology. The final mechanism consisted of 68 species and 183 reactions. The mechanism was well-validated with shock-tube ignition delay times, laminar flame speed, and 3D engine simulations. To download the mechanism, thermodynamics, and transport files in ChemKin format, please click here.
The prospect of blending gasoline fuel with ethanol is being investigated as a potential way to improve the knock residence of the base gasoline. However, one of the drawbacks is a lack of proper understanding of the reason for the non-linear response of blending ethanol and gasoline. This non-linearity could be better understood by an improved knowledge of the interactions of these fuel components at a molecular level. This study proposed a highly reduced four-component (toluene/n-heptane/iso-octane/ethanol) gasoline surrogate model containing 59 species and 270 reactions. The model was reduced using the direct relation graph with expert knowledge (DRG-X) (Lu and Law, 20015; Lu et al., 2011) and isomer lumping method. The computational singular perturbation (CSP) analysis were performed to reduce the potential stiffness issues by accordingly adjusting the Arrhenius coefficients of the proper reactions. The model has been comprehensively validated against wide range of ignition delay times (IDT) and flame speed (FS) measurement data as well as compared against two representative literature models from Liu et al. (2013) and Wang et al. (2015). Overall, good agreements were observed between model predictions and experimental data across the entire research octane number (RON), equivalence ratio, pressure and temperature range. In addition, the model has also been coupled with the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models to simulate the experimental data of constant volume reacting spray of a low-octane gasoline (Haltermann straight-run naphtha), and in-cylinder pressures and temperatures of a high-octane gasoline (Haltermann Gasoline) combustion in a heavy duty compression ignition engine. The coupled model can qualitatively predict the experimentally obtained data with an improved performance for PRF, TPRF, and TPRF-ethanol surrogates. To download the mechanism, thermodynamics, and transport files in ChemKin format, please click here.
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